On 30 November, 2023 researchers from the Labour Market Research Unit of the Institute of Sociology have completed a two-year project “DEFEN-CE: Social Dialogue in Defence of Vulnerable Groups in Post-COVID-19 Labour Markets”. The project was carried out by an international team of researchers from the University of Helsinki (lead partner), the Central European Labour Studies Institute (Slovakia), the University of Stockholm (Sweden), the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany), the Fondazione ADAPT (Italy) and the University of Belgrade (Serbia). The project activities were funded by the European Union.
During implementation of the project activities research reports were drafted and research findings were presented to the researchers and social partners at the conference (more about the project: https://blogs.helsinki.fi/defen-ce/). A short video was also produced to present the project activities, carried out by the Lithuanian team: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHvQ4-YE4C0.